What is Leadership – June 2005
By Sean Wolfington
June 2005
I believe that leadership is best described as the ability to achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people. If we can rally a team of ordinary people and make them feel like they are part of an extraordinary team with extraordinary goals, they just might live up to our expectations.
Leaders roll up their sleeves and jump right in. They’re creative, entrepreneurial and always out in front. Take a look at the difference between a leader and a manager and ask yourself, honestly, where your strengths lie.
Counts on trust
Relies on people
Gives credit
Counts on control
Relies on system
Seeks recognition
The good news is that you can grow as a leader, if you aren’t one already. You may not have been born a leader, but if you have a mentor and know the attributes of leadership, you can become one. Leadership is not something bestowed upon you or something that comes with a promotion or a title. It’s not about being the boss or about power or salary.
Leadership is about . . .
• Giving
• Listening
• Caring
• Vision
• Results
• Dedication
• Compassion
• Motivating
• Faith and trust
• Hands-on
• Effecting change
• Persistence
• Patience
• Smart work
• Leaving a legacy
Perhaps most important, leadership is about setting the pace and leading by example. Nothing undermines a leader’s credibility faster than an action that smacks of hypocrisy, so get out there and walkthe walk. Great leaders are able to arouse positive emotions in the members of their team, but as leaders, we must also be prepared to be alone, to be different and to be ahead of our time. I urge you to learn more about true leadership today.
Sean Wolfington is the owner of BZResults.com. He can be contacted at 866.802.5753, or by e-mail at swolfington@autosuccess.biz.