Start Achieving Your Sales Goals Today – April 2006
By Sean Wolfington
April 2006
What?s the difference between a goal and a dream? A goal has a plan and a deadline; a dream does not.
This article will outline 10 tips for setting goals and getting better results, but first we?ll look at the three reasons people fail to achieve their goals: They don?t write them down, they fail to craft a plan or they fall short of the commitments they make. It may seem simple to overcome these three stumbling blocks, but in the complex and often chaotic dealership environment, that?s not always the case.
When a manager or a dealer establishes new goals or launches a new initiative in an attempt to .nd, sell and keep more customers, there?s bound to be more than one person involved in creating an action plan. Without input and buy-in from every stakeholder, delivering on your commitments may be further from your grasp than you imagined.
Here are 10 best practices for achieving your sales goals.
1. Put it in writing
Identify exactly what you want to achieve in the most speci.c terms possible. Be and measurable when appropriate.
2. Date it
Set a date and a time limit for starting a goal and determine when you expect to .nish it. Check it off when you do. Unless you can commit to a start and target an end, it?s unlikely it will happen.
3. Identify obstacles
You will meet obstacles, and they make you stumble. If you identify them up front, you can build them out and minimize surprises.
4. Assign accountability
Identify the people you will contact and work with. If you are planning a big initiative, you will likely need to delegate and assign responsibility.
Start Achieving Your Sales Goals Today
5. Identify special skills and training needed
If a goal requires special skills, a shift in process, a new technology or new knowledge, you may need to partner with a specialist, hire a training company or invest in internal training. Change does not happen on its own.
6. Document a detailed action plan
Take a look at where you are, where you want to be and create a plan to get there. Consider what needs to happen, how it needs to happen, who will be involved and when you expect to accomplish each step.
7. Take action every day
Procrastination kills the best goals and the most detailed plans. The more ambitious your goals, the more important it is to chip away at them every day. Here?s where it helps to refer to that detailed action plan every day and continue to work at it. Follow up with the people involved to keep them moving as well. Incentivise them if needed.
8. Measure results
It helps to track your performance results and create top-of-mind awareness by posting your results in an area that?s visible to everyone involved.
9. Celebrate success
Once you start chipping away at your action plan you?ll be hitting important milestones eventually. When you do, celebrate your success and spread the word. People like to be involved in success.
10. Revisit your plan
As you accomplish tasks and move toward success, you?ll .nd a need to continually raise the bar.
Sean Wolfington is the owner of He can be contacted at 866.802.5753, or by e-mail at