The “Be” Attitudes – August 2006
By Sean Wolfington
August 2006
To be or not to be. That is the question.
Leadership involves being.
People willingly follow leaders who know who they are and where they are going. Therefore, in order to effectively lead others, you must first evaluate your own attributes and strive to be what it is that you desire from others. If you know a successful person, odds are that you desire to be like him/her, not materially, but interiorly. The definition of a successful leader is someone who possesses attributes that reflect higher levels of motivation and moral development which gives them the ability to affect real and intended change. Now insert “attitude” in place of “attribute” in the above definition, and you will be thinking in the right direction. We are what we think, so having the right mindset transcends into the right attitude and forms us into the person we truly desire to be, which ultimately enables us to effectively lead others to a higher place while reaching our desired goals.
Here are the “Be” Attitudes of Leadership:
BLESSED is the leader who considers leadership an opportunity for service. The greatest leader in the world came not to be served, but to serve.
BLESSED is the leader who lays a solid foundation upon which to build. A leader whose philosophies are founded on solid virtues will lay a foundation for your dealership, department and family that will not be shaken.
BLESSED is the leader who has not sought the high place, but who has been drafted into service because of his ability and willingness to serve.
BLESSED is the leader who lays down his own interests for the bene.t of others. An effective leader seeks the best for those he serves, even at the greatest sacrifice.
BLESSED is the leader who develops leaders while leading. Leadership involves always being available to mentor those who are attempting to follow.
BLESSED is the leader who does so by example. Integrity is the quality of being complete, being bound by . rm adherence to a code of ethics and morals. Teach these truths to others, use words when necessary.
BLESSED is the leader who walks with his group and feels the pulse of his followers. These connections will allow a good leader to correctly interpret the signs of the pathways that lead to success and results.
BLESSED is a leader with clear vision. Always develop and communicate a crystal-clear, long-term vision of where the organization is going and know exactly what is needed to attain the vision. Keep your head in the clouds, but your feet planted . rmly on the ground.
BLESSED is the leader who has not seen, but believes. Be persistent, do not waiver if you have not yet achieved your desired results. Just as a precious stone cannot be polished without friction, nor can we be perfected with adversity.
Leadership is a higher calling. It involves a dynamic journey based on mutual influence and common purpose between leaders and collaborators, in which both are moved to higher levels of motivation and moral development as they affect real, intended change. Leadership begins with developing an attitude of being all that we ourselves desire to be. Believing is becoming.
This positive attitude will be the difference that makes all the difference in the success of your organization and your life. Be a transformational leader. Being all that you should be will inspire others to follow you and to transcend their own self-interest for the good of the organization. Leading others to a higher place will ultimately be your success in this world, and your glory in the next.
Sean Wolfington is the owner of He can be contacted at 866.802.5753, or by e-mail at